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MARK WINGFIELD_Tales from the Dreaming C


Tales from the Dreaming City




A new Mark Wingfield album is always one to have both great anticipation and expectations for. ‘Tales from the Dreaming City’ is so exceptional it cannot be fully appreciated or taken in with one listen. A heavy weight trio, plus guest Dominque Vantomine on keyboards (tracks 3,5,9,10), Mark Wingfield (guitar, soundscapes), Yaron Stavi (fretless bass), and Asaf Sirkis (drums) create a wonderful world of starlit jazz fusion that Allan Holdsworth would have been absolutely proud of.


Starting things off with a knockout, ‘The Fifth Window’ (track 1) quickly takes charge in a deadly delicious dizzy masterpiece with some unusual treatments of certain notes on Wingfield’s liquid and tastefully strategically distorted lead guitar, with touches of alien effects here and there, catching the listener with a puzzled look and inner self question (‘how is he doing that?’). A dauntless beginning to a continual line up of phenomenal compositions that hold up to dozens of repeat listens, the supreme work on bass and drums from Yaron and Asaf are so much a part of this amazing release. ‘Sunlight Cafe’ (track 4) has some exotic percussion added to the exquisite soundscapes Mark provides, with relaxed atmosphere, with both punches and groove. There is a magnetic balance of quick paced eventful gems and spacious mid tempo delights.


Wingfield’s lead guitar work is impossible to adequately describe, as he uses a variety of both physical and electronic effects in each song. He has become a tone guru on guitar. Only he could explain what all he does but the results sound like random to critically exact placements of bends, edging, unexplained finger manipulations, quick punch ins and outs of custom effects and imagination times 1,000. ‘At a Small Hour of the Night’ (track 7) the music begins in a celestial vortex with an anxious vibe, very quiet with slow gravity, just keeping the listener waiting for something beyond. Wingfield’s notes on the inside of this beautifully designed 6 panel digipak CD talks about his stories for each piece of music, some real, some imaginary, from past, present, and future. The images one gets while listening certainly supports that. You can hear how totally into it each musician is. 200% committed. These guys always put the music first.


I was left exhausted after the initial listen, in a good way. So much gifted to the audience, so many textures and magical staffs filled with intrigue, incredible sounds, and amazing musicianship. After more spins, I still stand stunned at the varied guitar work of Mr. Mark Wingfield. As if you mixed David Torn, Terje Rypdal, and Allan Holdsworth all together, but you then realize how many years Mark has been exploring this style, and understand how much the technique is his. This is Mark Wingfield and other grand musicians who have created a milestone in something once heard, you cannot forget. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.


Reviewed by Lee Henderson 7 – 21 – 2018



AQUA FRAGILE_Moving Fragments_COVER.jpg

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Moving Fragments
(2023 - Maracash - Italy)

  A group who have the uncanny talent of keeping their classic  sound along with staying up tpo date. This amazing return is from 1970's Italian progressive rock outfit, with frontier man lead vocal Bernardo Lanzetti, who made this band and some PFM albums so specifically brilliant. At this decade, to expect more beauty would be a fantasy, yet it is set before your ears, even with the first notes, this masterpiece of Italian, (and not only Italian) progressive rock that certainly grasps the notion of what the genre of "progressive" was always meant to be. ACQUA FRAGILE create another sweetly classic knockout recording, not with even a heavy breath of past to present effort.  In fact, it sounds and feels more authentic than ever.  Bernardo sounds as if he never aged a week, and all muscians present are at full force, not passing up the chance to make another massively classic album.   An album to put Acqua Fragile at the top of the few chosen progressive rock choices of all time. The first song ('Her Shadlows Torture' 05:52 - editors note:  A misspell on the 'Shadows' which is on Bandcamp at this writing - but is correct as 'Her Shadow's Torture' on physical CD)  hug you and give all relief, as to any possible doubts of a long awaited fourth album by this top notch Italian band. I claim it will leave your heart lay bleeding. Grab the spectral energy and enjoy a glimpse of beautiful cocoon birth.

  Not one song is with sacrifice, even a wink of lamb. In fact, some elements are added to further enchance and stun the audience, such as inclusive female vocals by Rossella Volta. The bulk of the outfit is Piero Canavera (drums, percussion, vocals),  Franz Dondi (bass), Bernardo Lanzetti (lead vocals, guitar, Glovox),  Stefano Pantaleoni (keyboards),  Claudio Tuma (guitars), with special aid by (aforementioned vocalist Rosella Voita) ,  Gigi Cavalli Cocchi - drums (1,6),  Sergio Ponti - drums (4,9), Stef Burns- guitar (2),  Brian Belloni - guitar (4),  Davide Piombino - 7 string guitar (5),  and David Jackson - sax & flute (6). Could you ask for more?   After one listen you cannot want more. Thank Maracash label (Italy) for standing behind so many great Italian artists who have done the blood, sweat, and tears in earlier years, and deserve the attention now.
Although the band name translates to 'Fragile Water', it might be better described as Precious Water at this point and time in our decreasingly cared for world. Perhaps even better, Rare Water. The beauty of this entire recording is apparent, true, sincere, and a step forward. Better than one would dream of, past the point of how all old fans could imagine, and  actually done in the upper atmospheres of what anyone could have dreamed of. Everyone is top notch and most of all, Lanzetti is 100% present, making it another masterpiece.  It is my deep recommendartion for all fans of both classic progressive rock and the new fields of progressive music to give this a direct and full attention (no distractions) listen. RECOMMENDED.
  ©Reviewed by Lee Henderson 1 - 19 - 2024


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